EYFS 2023 - 2024

Miss Ellis

Mrs Richards

Welcome To Reception

This page is for all our reception children in Ash and Oak class. We will use this page to share information with you and tell you about our topics and special events throughout the year.

EYFS        STAFF H Richards.bmp Miss J Ellis - Teacher.JPG


Mrs Richards

Ash Class Teacher

Miss Ellis

Oak Class Teacher

M Perry.bmp                                   thumbnail


Mr Perry

PPA Teacher (Monday pm)

Mrs Bartlett

Ash Class TA

Mrs Clarke

Oak Class TA

Our Topic for Summer 2

This half term our topic is based on the book ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival.  This is a beautiful story about a little girl who loses her teddy at the beach, only for it to be found years later by a special little girl.      

Through this topic we will be exploring things that are special to us and learning about different objects from the past. 


Our Maths for Summer 2

This half term we will be consolidating our previous learning of numbers up to 20 and reciting numbers beyond 20.  

As well as direct teaching, the children will continuously explore maths through our learning landscape.


The children will take part in a PE session every Monday.  The children are to come into school wearing their PE kit each Monday.


Welly Wednesdays

On Wednesdays we will be spending more time in our school woods doing forest school activities.  If you have not yet done so please bring some named wellies to be kept in school.     

We take full advantange of our outdoor classroom, woods and fields around school, so please ensure children have their coats each day incase of poor weather. 


EYFS Stay and Play sessions

This is an opportunity for you to join your child in class, meet other parents and chat to staff.  Please do not worry if you are unable to make any of these sessions, your child will have plenty of other children and staff to play with!  

  • Tuesday 26th September 2023 2.00-3.00pm
  • Thursday 16th November 2023 2.00-3.00pm
  • Wednesday 7th February 2024 2.00-3.00pm
  • Wednesday 27th March 2024 2.15-3.00pm
  • Tuesday 7th May 2024 2.15-3.00pm


EYFS Graduation

  • Tuesday 16th July 2024 2.30-3.00pm (parents/guardians invited).


Trips and Memorable Experiences 

Term 1

Topic  - Peace at Last   

Topic - The Three Little Pigs   Bedtime stories PJ evening in school Thursday 9th November 2023 5.00-6.00pm


Term 2

Topic - Crocodile Creek  Reptile Experience in school   Friday 12th January 2024

Topic - The Pirates are Coming   Pirate Day in school - dress as a pirate  1st March 2024


Term 3

Topic - Gigantosaurus  TeachRex in school   Friday 26th April 2024

Topic - The Sea Saw   Beach Day    Tuesday 2nd July 2024


Wider Learning Links

www.cbeebies.co.uk  - Click on ‘games’ or ‘puzzles and games’ and scroll down to ‘sort games by’ and choose ‘learning area’ to choose the area of learning you would like your child to practise.  

Cbeebies also has lots of information and clips to support other areas of our EYFS curriculum, such as Understanding the World (Chinese New Year, Diwali, growing plants) and Health and Self-Care (healthy eating, exercise), Expressive Arts and Design (art ideas).  These are just a few of the topics that you can search for on this site.   There are some lovely stories in the Radio section too!

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students - This is the Read Write Inc online eReader. We will give your child a login to this once they have reached the book stage in their phonics learning. 

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students - This video will explain the Read Write Inc Programme that your child will follow at Sutton Green. 

www.ictgames.co.uk - This website has many literacy and numeracy games.


If you have any queries or concerns, please speak to us or contact us via the below email addresses:

Ash class (Mrs Richards) - [email protected] 

Oak class (Miss Ellis) - [email protected]


Files to Download

See calendar and News items for more information on these events.... check out our Facebook page and Twitter account.

Sutton Green Primary School, Armthorpe Drive, Little Sutton, Cheshire CH66 4NW