EYFS 2024 - 2025
Miss Ellis
Mrs Richards
Welcome To Reception
This page is for all our reception children in Ash and Oak class. We will use this page to share information with you and tell you about our topics and special events throughout the year.
EYFS STAFF | ![]() |
Mrs Richards Ash Class Teacher |
Miss Ellis Oak Class Teacher |
Mrs Clarke Ash Class TA |
Miss Webber Oak Class TA / EYFS PPA Teacher |
Spring 2
This half term our theme is 'Under the Sea'. The children will listen to a range of non-fiction and fiction texts related to Pirates, transport and sea creatures! We will also spend time talking about how to keep ourselves safe around water and ways that we can help protect sea creatures - This links to the text Somebody Swallowed Stanley, where the children will learn about the effects of plastic pollution.
Expressive Arts & Design
The children will be practising techniques such as weaving, collage and threading and will explore a variety of different media, including watercolours, oil pastels and dough. We will also be learning and performing a poem as part of our whole school Poetry Week.
Drawing Club
The children continue to enjoy drawing club sessions and will be using even more of their phonics skills when adding detail to their stories, including CVC words, short phrases and red words.
Key texts will include; The Dinosaur that Pooped a Pirate, The Pirates are Coming, Rainbow Fish, Commotion in the Ocean and Somebody Swallowed Stanley.
Following the White Rose Maths scheme, the children will be comparing Length, Height & Time, exploring representations of 9 & 10, building doubles, representing bonds to 10 and finding odd and even numbers.
The children will take part in a PE session every Monday. The children are to come into school wearing their PE kit each Monday.
Welly Wednesdays
On Wednesdays we will be spending more time in our school woods doing forest school activities. If you have not yet done so please bring some named wellies to be kept in school. Children can wear their own clothes each Wednesday but please ensure that they are suitable for the outdoors and are ok to come back dirty!
We take full advantange of our outdoor classroom, woods and fields around school, so please ensure children have their coats each day incase of poor weather. Children have access to waterproofs on a daily basis when in our outdoor area but please be mindful that sometimes clothes can get muddy!
EYFS Stay and Play sessions for parents/carers
As part of our reception year, we have regular ‘stay and play’ sessions. During these sessions you can join your child in school. This is the perfect opportunity for you to see what your child does at school, meet other parents and have an informal chat to staff. Due to space we do limit this to one adult per child.
Thursday 3rd October 2024 2.15-3.00pm
Wednesday 27th November 2.15-3.00pm
Tuesday 28th January 2.15-3.00pm
Thursday 27th March 2.15-3.00pm
Tuesday 13th May 2.15-3.00pm
EYFS Graduation (parents/guardians invited).
Thursday 17th July 2.30-3.00pm
Trips and Memorable Experiences
Term 1
PJ day in school (wear your PJs and bring your favourite teddy) Thursday 4th October 2024
Story book day (dress up as a story character) Friday 22nd November 2024
Term 2
Reptile Experience in school Friday 17th January 2025
Pirate Day in school (dress as a pirate) Friday 7th March 2025
Term 3
TeachRex in school Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Beach Day in school (children may wear own clothes) Friday 11th July
Wider Learning Links
www.cbeebies.co.uk - Click on ‘games’ or ‘puzzles and games’ and scroll down to ‘sort games by’ and choose ‘learning area’ to choose the area of learning you would like your child to practise.
Cbeebies also has lots of information and clips to support other areas of our EYFS curriculum, such as Understanding the World (Chinese New Year, Diwali, growing plants) and Health and Self-Care (healthy eating, exercise), Expressive Arts and Design (art ideas). These are just a few of the topics that you can search for on this site. There are some lovely stories in the Radio section too!
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students - This is the Read Write Inc online eReader. We will give your child a login to this once they have reached the book stage in their phonics learning.
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students - This video will explain the Read Write Inc Programme that your child will follow at Sutton Green.
www.ictgames.co.uk - This website has many literacy and numeracy games.
If you have any queries or concerns, please speak to us or contact us via the below email addresses:
Ash class (Mrs Richards) - [email protected]
Oak class (Miss Ellis) - [email protected]