Intent Statement
At Sutton Green, pupils are always working towards becoming confident in mathematics by advancing their understanding and competence towards reasoning, problem-solving and calculating fluency. We strive to prepare pupils with the confidence, resilience, and skills to tackle mathematical problems independently to function in a mathematical world. Our emphasis is on problem-solving and investigating maths through everyday situations.
We aim to build confidence, resilience, and a passion for maths, maths is an exciting adventure that everyone can enjoy, value and master!
Implementation Statement
Our implementation within mathematics is to create fun, captivating, and inclusive maths lessons that ensure children are progressing and getting full coverage of The National Curriculum. We follow The White Rose Schemes EYFS to Year 6. White Rose Maths encourages a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach to learning, it is inspired and informed by robust, world-class research and global maths experts. We supplement this with NCTEM resources and guidance. This allows us to adapt our lessons to give the necessary support and challenge to all students.
Sutton Greens maths lessons
- High levels of pupil engagement and involvement encourage children to think inquisitively and deeply about maths.
- Concrete materials are key to exploring and securing mathematical understanding. The concrete and pictorial stages are important parts of the learning process and should be valued, not rushed through. This understanding is then able to transfer into abstract thinking.
- Students have the opportunity to expand and explore their mathematics skills through different deliveries of teaching including whole class teaching, small group/paired work.
- Pupil talk is encouraged at every opportunity, enabling peer support, challenge and/or refinement of ideas and promoting the use of mathematical vocabulary.
- Have high expectations towards the use of mathematical language through explicit teaching of key vocabulary.
- Through our daily mental maths skills time students are able to improve and enhance their fluent knowledge and recall of numbers facts.
Impact Statement
As a result of our Maths teaching at Sutton Green you will see:
- Engaged children who are all challenged.
- Confident children who can all talk about Maths and their learning and the links between Mathematical topics.
- Lessons that use a variety of resources to support learning.
- Different representations of mathematical concepts.
- Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.
For more information on White Rose Maths please click on the link below :
Maths Games
In KS2 your child will be given a log in for Times Table Rockstars and Sumdog! Click on the logo to take you there!
Every child has a Times Table Rockstar login from Year 1 - Year 6. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master their times tables. The more your child practises, the more coins they earn and the more accurate they become. It's absolutely essential that your child does a little bit of times table practice each day. Short bursts of practise on a daily basis is much more effective than spending hours once a week. We will be practising regularly in school but we will need your help to motivate and praise your child for practising their times tables.
(Below you will find the class pictures from TT Rockstars Day, October 2022 - Sutton Green children dressed as Rockstars and competed in class battles to relaunch the app for another year of learning times tables).
This is an educational maths games website that develops children's maths skills. Teachers are able to set maths skills for your child to work on. Doodle Maths asks questions at an appropriate level to each pupil, they will be challenged to increase their levels. Children receive stars as they complete skills that they can spend on personalised rewards. Teachers will set challenges regularly to practise the skills they are learning in school at home.