
Intent Statement

At Sutton Green, children are encouraged to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. Children are taught about their local area and the wider world to inspire curiosity, respect and fascination. Children are equipped, through a sequence, to develop an understanding of human and physical processes. Children learn to investigate and explore diverse places, people and resources. Children are taught a wide range of geographical skills from the National Curriculum, for example, mapping and fieldwork. 


Implementation Statement

High-quality geography lessons at Sutton Green are delivered through our exciting curriculum which encourages our children to gain geographical skills through our interactive and knowledge-rich learning opportunities. These skills can be found on our skills progression map. 

The school and classroom environments encourage our pupils to engage, develop, innovate and express themselves through their own unique stage of development and learning. Teaching ensures that pupils gain knowledge and skills, appropriate for their age, and have high expectations to challenge all of our pupils to be proud of their work.  Retrieval questions are asked at the beginning of lessons and recapped throughout the year, so each child is secure in knowledge and skills taught.  Careful structured progression, through the key stages, allows for prior knowledge to be built on and new knowledge to be revisited throughout school.   Whole school themes are addressed at the same time in the school year with clear stages of progression across key stages.

Children are offered a wide range of experiences, such as clubs and extra-curricular activities, to enhance their understanding of the local area and wider processes. For example, we take our children to Chester, Ellesmere Port town centre, Thurstaston beach, and many other places. 


Impact Statement

Outcomes in books, evidence a broad and balanced geography curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge relating to each of the identified national curriculum strands, as appropriate to key stage; locational knowledge, place knowledge and human and physical geography.

This is in addition to the development and application of key skills, supported by fieldwork. As children progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding an appreciation of their local area and its place within the wider geographical context. 


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Sutton Green Primary School, Armthorpe Drive, Little Sutton, Cheshire CH66 4NW